Corvallis, OR

Annual Fees


Cost To Join 

Registration fee: This fee is paid directly to the national Catholic Schoolhouse headquarters through the registration page. With a paid registration, you become a member of our chapter and get access to resources only available to chapter members. Registration is $150 per family ($105 early bird pricing for registrations before March 29). 

Family fee: This is paid directly to our chapter to go toward the cost of insurance required by our group to use the church facility and compensating our chapter’s leadership team and class leaders. Family fee is $300 per family regardless of how many children. 

Supply fee: This is paid directly to our chapter and all supply fees go toward purchasing general classroom supplies for all students, specialty science and art supplies, and snacks. Supply fee is $95 per student 6th grade and under and $185 per student for 7th grade and up. Nursery supply fee is $35 per child.

Books & Curriculum: Every family will need to purchase the Tour 2 materials which include the Tour Guide, History Cards, and CD. These materials can be purchased by families directly from Catholic Schoolhouse or at a member discount when ordered through our one of our chapter’s bulk orders. We will do two bulk orders: one in early summer, the other in late summer. If purchased through bulk order, the discounted cost of the Tour Guide, History Cards, and CD is $99 per family. If purchased independently, the cost is $115+shipping.

Optionally, families may purchase the Tour 2 science and art lesson books, but these are not needed for family participation in the program. The science and art class leaders will be given these books to implement the lessons during Community Day. The CSH App for memory work music (same as on the CD) may also be purchased for $1.99/month.

Please contact us with any questions. If your family needs financial assistance to pay for fees or materials, please talk to us about options. Cost need not be a barrier to a family’s desire to participate!